Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Iftor Bersama2 Rakan Sebelum Berlabuhnya Tirai Ramadhan dan Cuti Mid Term

Harini Putri diajak oleh kengkawan untuk Iftor bersama diluar..sebelum kawan2 yang dari pantai timur pulang berhari raya (tiket tinggai hok tu jerkk) huhu..terpaksa la diorang memonteng akan kelas..hehe..alhamdulillah..dapat iftor bersama rakan2 (ainun,k.cik,sarah,jihah,kak hea,kak nung,kak ida)...makan sikit pun kenyang banyak (cewahhh betul ke sikit..??hehe)...terasa ukhwah itu terlalu manis..bergurau senda..bak kata enun..berkuk-kik..jgn marah nun.. :D sarah pulak bawak bihun goreng..nak makan ABC..dapat makan ABC sebelum balik..sampai bawak balik ha..(n_n) enun plak..dok nak makan,nak makan...dapat gak yer makan??kat situ...kak kembar plak..jgn nakal2 yer...hihi...syioq usik diorang..merah padam muka..! terasa dewasa bila berbicara tentang ******..kan3 (style ust. fauzi tny..hehe) kak.cik pun dah nak gi beli yang warna kelabu tu...apa yerkk hehe..pastu jalan2 jap kat shopping complex tu..sebelum terlupa..terimakasih byk2 buat jihah..sebab sudi bawa putri membonceng motorsikal..hehe tinkiu2..sem depan kita jalan2 lagi yer kawan2...semoga byk kenangan tercipta antara kita..maklumla..putri dah nak kena tinggal..huhu..sedih2..jgn lupa jenguk2 putri yerr...!!...ok lah..sebelum mengakhiri bicara..ada serangkap ayat yg dinukil oleh kak cik (kak kecik kami hehe)

fiLLah bukan nilaian pd tinggal sebumbung,
makan bersama,dan tidur sebilik, 
dekat pd zahirnya, namun hakikatnya jauh terpisah hati2 mereka..
tapi pada hati yg ikhlas menerima,memberi,dan berkongsi."




najihah, kak raihan, kak ida, kak raihanun

putri, kak cik, ainun & sarah

Ainun & Kak Cik

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Menjawab Kemusykilanku...

Baru2 ni..aku diserang semula lelah...bercampur dengan demam yang aku hidapi...jadi dilema aku...batal ke tak batall....jantung dok semput dah...pusing pi pusing mai...tanya ulama' (sahabat) yang aku yakini jawapan mereka...si A kata..batal..sebab ada rasa pahit kat inhealer tu...si B kata..tak batal..sebab ianya sepertimana kita berkumur ketika wudu'..air yang tersisa didalam mulut itu tidak membatalkan kerana zatnya kita tak nampak..dan ni pendapat dari ''Yusuf Qardhawi" si C plak kata..ikot kadar pengambilan..kalau terlalu byk kali ambil..jadi batal..si D kata...kalau sekali tu makruh..kalau byk kalu maka khulasohnye...kena la buka puasa..hehe...akhirnya aku dapat jawapan..alhamdulillah la...aku tak buka puasa terus haritu..hehe...ni artikel yang aku dapat dari blog ustaz zahazan...semoga dapat berkongsi kekeliruan bersama..agar kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dgn tenang dan yakin :)
"Penyembur gas untuk pesakit lelah :
Hukumnya : Baru-baru ini pada bulan Julai 2007, Persidangan Majlis Fiqh Antarabangsa di Putrajaya ada membincangkan isu ini. Isu ini amat kerap dibincangkan oleh para ulama seantero dunia dan mereka berbeza pandangan  apabila sebahagian menyatakannya batal dan sebahagian lain menolak.
Menurut kajian terperinci bantuan para doktor, mendapati gas semburan itu punyai jisim-jisim putih yang jelas kelihatan jika di sembur di atas kertas. Selain itu, hampir 90 % darinya akan terus masuk ke tekak dan melekat di esophagus dan terus ke perut. Ini bermakna ianya jisim-jisim gas itu masuk ke perut setiap kali semburan. Justeru sudah pasti ia membatalkan puasa. Demikian pandangan awal dari Majlis Fiqh Antarabangsa yang bersidang Julai 2007 baru-baru ini, tetapi kemudiannya mereka menarik balik keputusan mereka untuk dibincangkan lebih terperinci dalam persidangan akan datang. Namun itu adalah pandangan sebahagian ulama kontemporari yang menyakini masuknya serbuk jisim gas ke dalam perut. 
Bagaimanapun para ulama masih perlu bergantung kepada makumat jelas dari para doktor bagi memberikan fatwa tepat. Sebahagian ulama seperti Syeikh At-Tantawi, Syeikh Dr Muhd ‘Uqlah, menyebut hukumnya tidak batal kerana gas itu hanya terhenti di paru-paru dan tidak masuk ke perut. Manakala, ubat lelah jenis hidu melalui hidung adalah membatalkan puasa kerana ia akan masuk ke bahagian kepala. (As-Siyam, Dr Md Uqlah, hlm 226)
Namun jelas para ulama berhati-hati dalam memberikan keputusan dalam hal ini kerana menyedari walaupun serbuk-serbuk dari inhaler tersebut boleh memasuki ruang perut, namun ia adalah satu keperluan mendesak buat pesakit athma dan tidak pula dilaksanakan secara saja-saja, bukan pula kerana nafsu lapar. 
Pandangan terpilih adalah TIDAK BATAL, kerana terdapat perbezaan informasi dan data oleh para pakar perubatan berkenaan ketepatan fakta masuknya jisim ke dalam perut pada setiap kali semburan dibuat. Justeru, hukum puasa adalah kekal di atas sifat asalnya iaitu sah selagi belum terdapat bukti nyata dan diyakini terbatalnya ia. Sebagaimana kaedah Fiqh "
والأصل بقاء الشيء على ما هو عليه
Ertinya : Hukum asalnya, kekalnya hukum sesuatu pada sifat sebelumnya.
Justeru, jika ada sekalipun jisim yang termasuk ke dalam perut, ia bukanlah makanan yang mengenyangkan dan bukan pula dilakukan secara suka-suka serta ia tergolong dalam ubat-ubatan yang diperlukan secara mendesak. Selain itu, jisim yang termasuk ke dalam perut pula adalah tergolong di dalam kategori DIMAAFKAN sebagaimana beberapa kadar air yang tertinggal di atas lidah dan dalam hidung semasa berkumur dan berwudhu. Wallahu'alam."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Orang Mukmin Yang Sejati

Orang mukmin yang sejati
Jika terbuat dosa
Hatinya luka punah
Sedih dan derita
Jiwanya parah tak boleh
Melupakannya sepanjang masa
Kalau ia anggota lahir
Tentu nampak berdarah
Kalaupun sembuh dari lukanya
Namun parutnya masih ada

Begitulah halus perasaan
Seorang hamba yang berdosa
Dia tak boleh melupakannya sepanjang masa
Bagaimana dia boleh melupakannya
Kerana parutnya masih ada

Ertinya ingatannya pada dosa
Tak boleh dilupakannya
Teringat sahaja jiwanya tersiksa
Teringat sahaja hatinya derita
Payah sekali dia mahu melupakannya

Perasaan ini anugerah
Dan nikmat dari tuhannya
Takut dengan dosanya itu
Jadi syafaat padanya
Tersiksa dengan dosa
Derita dengan kesalahan
Dianggap oleh Allah itulah
Hukuman kepada hambanya
Moga di akhirat kelak terselamat
Daripada siksa neraka

Begitulah hati seorang mukmin
Sentiasa sahaja ia bergelora
Kerana takut dengan tuhannya
Lebih lagi setelah terbuat dosa

Saturday, August 6, 2011

"BERCINTA kerana Allah"

Sesungguhnya amat besar peranan cinta yang Allah hadirkan di dalam diri kita. Ia bukan sekadar membuai perasaan, bukan sekadar membolehkan kita merasai nikmat duniawi semata-mata, malah ia lebih daripada itu. Cinta adalah satu anugerah yang menjadi pintu bagi kita menggapai kebahagiaan hakiki di akhirat, pintu rahmat yang membolehkan kita mengecap redha dan cintaNya. Justeru, selayaknya kita memaknakan cinta itu sebaik-baiknya. 

Pernahkah terlintas difikiran kita, sedalam mana cinta kita kepada Allah Sang Pencipta? Ikhlaskah kita mencintaiNya? Adakah Dia juga membalas cinta kita? Sedalam mana cintaNya kepada kita? Mari kita merenung jauh kedalam diri, ke lubuk hati, benarkah kita mencintainya?.

Tugu cinta yang dibina hanya kerana Allah yang membantu kita menggapai redhaNya. andai kita mampu merealisasikannya semasa hidup di dunia, maka kita adalah manusia yang beruntung dan bakal meneguk nikmat yang tiada ternilai harganya di akhirat kelak. Namun, andai nafsu dunia dibiarkan menjadi raja, maka cinta yang tidak dipandu cahaya hanya sia-sia. Kerana cinta kita itu tiada nilainya walaupun sedikit disisi Allah.

Marilah tuluskan cinta kita hanya kerana Dia. Naskah ini menitipkan bait-bait indah agar cinta kita hanya ditujukan kepadaNya. tataplah setiap perkataan, semaklah setiap helaian dan carilah kecintaan yang hakiki demi kebahagiaan abadi disana nanti. ana baru beli kelmarin..RM15..kalau member popular..dapat rebate 20%..cepat2 rebutlah buku2 islamik..tak rugi..

Celoteh Dengan Printer..Macam Jaga Budak Tadika..

Allahu Akbar....
seharian harini..aku berkelai dgn printer..mcm bkelai dgn adik kecik..(padahal tak dak adik pun) haha..susah sungguh nak jaga printer ni...merajuk mcm budak tadika...print sikit...jem sejam...jem boleh makan takpa gak..ni jem bulan2 puasa pulak...adoiii...lawan tarik kertas dgn printer..hehe..macam ngan dia boleh cakap..hihi (sampai heran satu ahli rumah..k.mira gaduh dgn printer)..adoi..kenangan sungguh..hari yang tak dapat kulupakan..ingatkan senang je main dgn printer ni...rupa2nya..makkk ai....seharian bukak tutup cek catrish (betul ke eja..antam je) hehe on off...kertas rosak..haiii..teringat zaman kerja dekat MPIK dulu masa lepas STAM..time dekat2 pelajar nak exam..dok kalut potostat kertas soalan beratus2..dia buat kipas la kertas2 tu kat dalam mesin potostat tu..he...dah tu ada sorang kakak kerani ni..dia kata "mesin ni tak boleh dok buat manja2" hah! sekali gedebum..gedebam! haha...tapi..pastu jalan elok plak..selang seminggu..kena panggil cina repair la..hehe...satu lagi..harini aku dapat tips untuk pemilik2 CD yang kurang quality tu..kalau tak leh nak buka tu...pi letak dalam peti sejuk...pastu baru boleh guna..hehe..mula2 dengaq nak tegelak ja..tp memang boleh guna lepas tu.. =) ni sorang lagi...dok geram kes tak leh masuk portal plak..hehe...pakat jadi singa di malam yang dingin plak..hehe..sabo yer adikku sayang...esok g IT na.... =D

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dugaan Mengajar Erti Kehidupan...

ku bukakan bicara bisu ku..
Agar pembaca berada dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang Ilahi InsyaAllah...dan tak kulupakan..SALAM RAMADHAN KAREEM..semoga semua berada dalam hari2 yang penuh keberkatan..bulan penuh nikmat pahala...berlumba2lah kita bersama sebelum sampai ke penghujungnya..dah lama kubiarkan sesawang ini bersawang transparent...insyaAllah semoga lembaran ini memeberi tirai baru bagi blog ni..insyaAllah...selama tidak di update kan blog ni..terlalu banyak dugaan hidup yang ku lalui...dari diri sendiri..hingga ke    "umur akbar"...Subahanallah...layakkah aku ini...aku selalu baca hasil nukilan2 ilmuan..mengatakan..Allah tak akan menguji hambaNYA dengan ujian yang tidak mampu digalas hamba2NYA...diuji juga tanda Allah kasih pada hambaNYA...malahan diuji juga adalah sebagai KIFARAH bagi dosa2 yang dilakukan waima yg kecil atau besar...Allahu Akbar...Subhanallah..semoga dgn kesusahan dan dugaan ini sebagai KIFARAH bagi dosa2ku yang telah ku lakukan sepanjang hayatku ini..sehingga detik ini..semoga selepas ini tidak lagi terulang...semoga juga keluarga sentiasa dianugerahkan Allah iman yang kuat untuk menjalani kehidupan...juga yang tidak dapat kulupakan..mak dan ayah...yang mungkin sunyi tanpa anak2 di usia mereka...sedangkan aku pula dah mula jarang pulang dek keadaan yang tidak mengizinkanku pulang buat sementara waktu ini..Ya Allah...sebak di hati ini..kekadang bila mengingatkan makayah..mcmana kalau suatu masa nanti aku pergi lagi jauh sehingga menjadikan aku jarang dapat pulang kerap..mudah2an diizinkan Ilahi aku dapat berada bersama mereka sehingga akhir hayatku...Mak..Ayah...walaupun dekat...masih belum dapat pulang berbuka bersama.. nahhh...tula yang dikatakan keadaan itu mematangkan 
diri...baru kini ku merasakan erti itu..erti dimana..nak tak nak..aku kena hidup berdikari..kena tempuh hidup..Ya Allah..dah 22tahun dah ha....semoga dgn ini aku dapat menjadi yg lebih baik untuk hari seterusnya...yang best..sekarang dah dapat ilmu baru...ilmu buat sijil..walaupun xpandai guna sepenuhnya lagi Adobe Photoshop...
Alahmdulillah..walaupun mula2 nak diserahkan tugas ni pada aku..fikir 4,5 kali...dahla xreti..tp..bila lagi nak pandai kalau xmula?? cabar diri sendiri! baru tau hasilnya..hehe...Alhamdulillah juga...dapat berbuka puasa bersama sahabat2 untuk dua hari (khamis&jumaat) konvoi bersama kawan2...ada ja lesen..tp..tetap jadi penumpang..hehe..maklumla..anak ayah....biaqla orang nak kata anak manja pun..janji aku tak langgar arahan ayah tercinta..=D ok lah..dah lewat dah pun (2.34am)...bukan apa..relax2 tensionn kat printer dok meragam...he..di sini..ku tinggalkan satu lagu yang tak bersuara..hehe..semoga darah perjuangan tu makin membakar dalam diriku juga sahabat sekalian :)

Lirik Nasyid :Hijjaz

Berjuang menempah susah
Menanggung derita menongkah fitnah
Itulah gelombang hidup samudera duka
Seorang mujahid membela tauhid..

Dipisah dia berkelana
Dibelenggu dia uzlah mula dibina
Namun jiwa tetap marak memburu cinta
Membara demi Allah dan Rasulnya

Berjuang tak pernah senang
Ombak derita tiada henti
Tenang, resah silih berganti
Inilah sunnah..orang berjuang..

Malamnya bagai rahib merintih sayu
Dihiris dosa air mata
Siangnya bagaikan singa di rimba
Memerah keringat mencurah tenaga
Itulah sunnah..berjuang..ke jalan Allah..

Berjuang memang pahit..
Kerana syurga itu manis
Bukan sedikit mahar yang perlu dibayar
Bukan sedikit pedih yang ditagih

Berjuang ertinya terkorban
Rela terhina kerna kebenaran
Antara dua jadi pilihan.
Dunia yang fana atau syurga..

Berjuang tak pernah senang
Ombak derita tiada henti
Tenang, resah silih berganti
Inilah sunnah orang berjuang

Malamnya bagai rahib merintih sayu
Dihiris dosa air mata
Siangnya bagaikan singa di rimba
Memerah keringat mencurah tenaga

Berjuang ertinya terkorban
Rela terhina kerna kebenaran
Antara dua jadi pilihan.
Dunia yang fana atau syurga..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Challenging Life In This New Millennium (karangan merapu aku masa paper R&W..hehe)

       “Today is reality, yesterday is history, and tomorrow is mystery” The challenging is the mysterious matter that must being facing to, between the bad things and the good things that make us be fright, can’t imagine and we want to run far away from facing it. Although we can loose from it once, we will never get loose for the second time anymore. On the other hand, those challenges are the unpredictable matters and it is something that you can't get to sleep properly with it. No one ever knew what we will be facing to in the days after. The changing and rising process on many aspects in this world nowadays rise as fast as lightening, especially in this era step into the millennium, that too fast change, complex, puzzle, sophisticated in many things, become complicated, uncontrolled and we being unable to follow it and let those things go on itself spread to anywhere. This topic always talked or discussed on by many groups of people, this highlight topic get focus from politician, administrators, academician, philosophy group, and the public. Those challenge that as a human, as long as the breath still in the body, we can’t run away from facing those challenges in our life. Among the challenges that appear beside the development are, those exist from the information technology, human thinking and culture, mental and emotion, and moral and social.

      Developments, nowadays as we know were developed like mushrooms that grow up after the rain. Many tall buildings were built in town that racing among them to be the tallest one. It is an evident that the world today were 360˚ changed from the beginning, which it started by forests, mountains and seas totally, but all after century by century, the land surface were change and now, there are no more part of world that look like at that time. If there are still seem like that, maybe just about 10% from it. This is one of the reality which are facing by us today, all of the changes are what were drove us to know that our life became more challenging than the people who live in the day about two or three centuries ago. Our mind sets are very different from the people at that life. Today, we are effected of the development that are forced us to be more active, doing fast, thinking more creative than our great- grandmother and grandfather great- grandfather before. One of the challenges that we faced today is paradigm movement, start with agro culture society into the information society or what we call the epoch of information technology (IT), whom are connect to the sophisticated of communication tools like satellite system, internet, hand phone, WIFI, MMS, ATM, Bluetooth and so on. Those communication aspects were spread faster in many aspects until leaved more negative than positive that we were going through this time. Furthermore, that sophisticates give a big impact to the education system, moral, social contact, and others. The challenge was influence to the education system because the facilities that exist from this information technology were challenge the student by the information that no one knew the truth of the information, teachers that give an impact to the teaching skill and citizen daily life. This sophisticated one were ruined the human contact, as the result, no more social life when all of us were been tie on to these communication electronic. In addition, people will do all work personally, no more cooperate between us until the bad things like depress or melancholy exist into our self. In the other part, that system also give an impact to the moral life, when the borderless system have not been filtered from the bad element like sex homepages, civil, pornography, homosexual and lesbians advertisement. As a result, we always heard about the shocks news like babies without father refer to the Utusan Malaysia that “statistic from 2000- July 2008, took from the department of National Registration 250,000 babies was born without a father in 8 years (2000- July 2008) Then, simple mathematic will give us an average of 30,000/year babies were born without father”, also babies left by their mother anywhere, dead babies body that just born left in plastic bag or in toilet, murder cases and others. Beside that the spread of beliefs will make the faith being ruin, many article that wrote by the Christians spread in internet to ruin the Islam if the readers are not strong their faith, it’s also exists from the information technology development.

The second challenge is from human thinking and culture’s aspect, the fast development was made our thinking and viewing too different. It is course of the thinking and viewing some individual and big countries that were more advances being the imperialized to the others countries become dominant in this millennium era. For instance, global thinking, universe’s defend, and the issues that related to the human right which more subjectively until appeared conflict and people getting to loggerheads between them and bring us to the many traumatic cases like world war that happen onto the countries that rich with their mineral sources like two big countries, Iraq and Palestine which have been attack by that countries command by the tyrant hands like Israel.  The killed millions bodies scattered to anywhere from the army bodies until to the babies and children who are not guilty in that problem, after the war without compassion toward the people who have been victims from that awfulness. Nevertheless, the effect of the acceptance’s problems in this compulsively way keep on happens in parallel, come from the threat of political, an economic and militarily, will leave the big affection in the future. On the other hand, the different thinking had change many life’s aspect that we can’t run away from receiving the challenge that challenging our thinking which is appear from it. Refer to the big one life’s problem, sometime our mind can’t receiving all those challenge that burden our mind to thinks about that, until many people were depressed and were bring to the flooding of psychiatry patients in psychiatric hospitals. Meanwhile, the influences of culture are more imperialized followed by the freedom and media’s spread out and sophisticated information technology were change the original culture that had been our proud of society’s custom. The next challenge we must facing to are exist from the mental and emotion’s side, this challenge also subjectively. Although, it seem like that, in any civilization and human life, some individually will feel decrease among their life, not able to or be left far away from the others individual or society and those individual will get the greats mental depression and disturbance of emotion. Furthermore, the depression will be more considerable when the country being developed in all life aspects. It was shown by the criminal cases and social status, for example, burglar cases, blackmail, murder cases, suicide, mentality disease, wrong using of drug and alcohol. To go survive in this millennium, become our obligation that we can’t run away from being strong in our physical and mentality. If we aren’t we will be lose by that problem earlier than the appropriate date than If we were wear our self-protection or spiritual to survive, which all ready exist in our soul. Besides that, we must prepare ourselves with faith and belief deeply to avoid all of the mental and emotion problem or challenges that appear parallel with the development in this millennium days to safe our future generation from the useless things.

The last challenges in our life nowadays in this millennium, but it’s not the least one is the challenge of the moral and social’s side. From the viewing of human civilization’s history, moral ability defends and human social will become more faded and ruins by the life’s development that’s going progressively. The complacency or comfortable culture, individualistic, and materialistic influenced the human’s life and the dependent’s phase to the comprehension of moral and religions getting more faded and liberal. It was shown by the human lifestyle nowadays that getting more vocaholics which are the persons who too struggle on their work competing on to be the richer one between the richer, to be the well-know, and the popular person in the first life rank in this new centuries. Furthermore, by the development of city or civilization, human’s perception were change almost perfectly to the new lifestyle or in the other hand what we called the lifestyle that follow the changes day by day or the word that’s too familiar ‘up to date’. The changes are looking from the wearing style, interacting style, and faiths to the religion. These changes are the factors that bring to the appeared of bad socials style or symptoms that were drove especially the teenagers to the untrue path. Recently, we were shocked by the worst news that were wrote on the chest of newspaper and magazine that our teenager nowadays were habituate with no more feel shy and no more guilty to do the bad matter for instance, through their babies that’s was born without one valid tie, sit a couple in the silently place, racing and more over, their moral were become invaluable among them. The mingled of many human’s type also source of the problem of socials among human lifestyle. For example, when the culture of Muslim and non-Muslims mixed between them, many problem will be exists like the freely communication around non-Muslim were make the Muslim that was banned from that were non-Muslim done like openly communication between girl and boy, open sex, murder, drunk, and gambling and so on which Islam was pointed and wrote in Al-Quran, there are some limits was set up by the ordinance of Islam that basically had its own wisdom to why it’s have been done. When our life was not driven by the faith to the religion as the hold on to, and the development were affected our life by spread out the information openly through the entertainment, communication, and the spreading of ideas, culture and others, it will ruin our moral without inform to us or we were not conscious to it. But we cannot run away from facing this situations, although in the necessity side without our voluntarily. By the way, this challenge  were not leave an effects to the persons who was absorbed his life from childhood by the education of religion and hold on with what were obligated and forbidden by religion. Religion is our way to be safe from these social problems.

We can conclude that, the sophisticated of development in technology information (IT) field is brought out from the changing of the century to the figuration of the global society where make us feel anxiously by the phenomena that exist from this development. We know very well that the development needed to prove that our mind and thinking were increase appeal to the run of time, we can’t avoid from facing it although we won’t.  For these challenges there are their own ways to solve it, and if we’re uniting between us we can solve these problems that make us dizzy.  For example, the parents must be alert towards their child and always keep eye on them in everything they are doing. It is because the first education started from the training of their parents, so parents should prepare themselves. This is because, the ‘child will follow on to what they were see’ and as who  the nearest to them, can’t run from being the best role models that make the child grow up as a ‘shiny pearl’ in their future. Furthermore, the days after will be more challenges from the nowadays, no one know what will be happen on the future. So, we can only prepare early ourselves and our become generation with strong defend inside and outside, physical and mental, and the important things is our faith to Islam, never get loose out from what have been order and forbidden by Islam, we will be safe from the wrong-doing that will make us being wrongness.


- Hongue, A., & Oshima, A. (2007) Introduction to Academic Writing Third Ed: New York : Pearson Longman.